Karl-Heinz Ziethen’s long-awaited book "Juggling - The Past and Future" is a new, extended edition of his previous double volume masterpiece "4,000 Years of Juggling ". This book reveals the intricacies hidden inside the entire history of juggling with startling detail. Beginning with the earliest traces of the genre in the ancient Egyptian tombs at Beni Hasan (1994 B.C.E.), and stretching all the way to modern artists and current innovations, this is the most complete work ever published on the subject to date. Spread across 589 pages, there are 1063 archival photos, drawing directly from the author’s personal collection. The Berlin native Karl-Heinz Ziethen has been an avid juggling enthusiast, historian, and author. His 13 prior publications about juggling have brought him global fame and respect as the world's foremost juggling historian.